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We  would not be able to continue our great work to help others without YOUR help. Every penny donated to our Order is put to good use. We use the monies to purchase stationery for teachings, religious artifacts, research materials, and of course to assist our officers to travel to their destinations on Order of the service.  For Zakul said;


As the weary and tired travellers rest down at my feet, I knew that they had such gifts for me, such pleasures to entice my energies. But as delight was within, so did I plead to remain within the confinements of security, the embodiment of the father. Yet I was not heard and to the ground I did so fall with all protections removed. I asked the father as to my reason for being, and was told that in the days and nights that follow that I was sure to be enlightened Zakul (1:2)


And it came that each creature had their own agenda as none were to consider the other. Such evil did I so see, such prejudice between the species as the stronger species was certain to survive. I said unto the father as to such reasons for such cruelty. The father replied and told me that I was to learn and know such cruelty so that I would know the purpose of my own existence at the perfect point in time Zakul (1:6)


I met with those whom had inner wisdom and knowledge, there in front of the Altar lay the wonders of colour, such beauty with the rays of the sun and the charm of the moon. For I was warned that such a day would come to pass, yet I knew that with this, my protection near to that of which I hold dear within my heart, that no harm would come to me at that time

Zakul (1:13)



26th February - Festival of Saviours
29th April - Festival of Awakenings 
25th June - Festival of Creation
28th August - Festival of Balance
31st October - Festival of Energies
24th December - Festival of Discovery

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